Re: keyboard support

Gautschi Joel <> writes:

> 	I think that i am faster if I can use the keyboard to handle an OS
> or a program (ok sometimes the mouse is faster :)) 
> 	I'm still wondering why there isn't a better keyboard support in
> most of x window apps for linux. let's take gimp, a really cool (yes i like
> it!) program, but there is just one thing I hate... gimp supports the
> keyboard really sad. no I don't mean the shortcuts.. they are good. but hey,
> i cant move with my keyboard in the menus :(( don't know why. guess it's a
> problem of the gtk because most of programs done with gtk havent a good
> keyboard support. gtk is damn cool... since it supports things like themes
> etc. but with such a sad keyboard support, I won't use the gtk-

Well, you'll be happy to know that keyboard navigation of menus
was merged into the main development branch about a week ago.


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