The amazing power of the Bazaar model (was Re: [gtk-list] [PATCH] toolbar and entry)

Gtk and its community will decidely not cease to amaze me. This is the
second time in a couple of weeks that someone provides code for
something I was about to write just in time before I start doing so.

First the toolbar and the handlebox widgets which were just what I
needed for Rosegarden, and now that I find the toolbar lacks
flexibility and I've just emailed its author to ask for the _item()
funcs to return the newly created child, and I'm about to write mine
in gtk--, poof, there you post.

Just a slight nitpick, though :

Paolo Molaro <> writes:

> I uploaded the file gtk-lupus-970112-0-patch.gz  to

Shouldn't that be 980112 ? :-)


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