RE: [gtk-list] Stupid question

On 10-Jul-98 Alexander Larsson wrote:
> Well, here's a stupid that i can't find the answer to:
>  How do you update (==change) the active menu_item in a
> GtkOptionMenu (as in 
> change what is shown on the screen, not just gtk_menu_set_active()
> on the menu 
> the GtkOptionMenu is linked to)?

Not a stupid question. You can select the item by using the
following, where the number at the end is the item in the menu to
select (starting from 0).

gtk_option_menu_set_history (GTK_OPTION_MENU(omenu), 1);

The hard question is to find out which one is currently selected,
without using callbacks to track it. Any takers?


When the speaker and he to whom he is speaks do not understand, that is
		-- Voltaire

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