Re: File Selection, part due

ajam <> writes:

> Hi y'all,
> I wonder if some kind human, although I'm willing to make exceptions,  being
> would direct me in the right direction with a problem that I'm having.  I'm
> trying to set up the 'file selection" widget in my tiny application, but I've
> been getting the same error no matter how I place things.  I can compile without
> any problems, but when I open the "file selection" widget the following error
> appears in the terminal:
> ** WARNING **: gtk_signal_connect() : could not find signal "clicked" in the
> 'GtkVBox' class ancestry
> Well, I was convinced that I was screwing up somewhere, but could not find it. 
> Then I tried the example that appears in the "Gtk Tutorial".  I compiled it and
> ran it.  Guess what?  It is giving me the same error when I run it.  I don't
> have to do anything else.  I just run it, and I get the error.  Is there
> something wrong with the Widget, or is the practice problem missing
> something else?  Help will be more than appreciated!!!

The version in the examples/ directory of the GTK+ distribution, which
should be the same as the version currently on, seems to
be free of this warning in a quick test. So you might want to try
that. If that produces the error, check to see that you don't have an
old version of the GTK+ libraries installed somewhere.

If you still see it, let us know.


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