Re: Proposal: gtk_main() quit callbacks

Tim Janik <> writes:

> hello everyone,
> i'd like to propose the addition of a gtk_main() quit callback
> mechanism like so:
> gint       gtk_quit_add            (guint	       main_level,
> 				    GtkFunction        function,
>                                     gpointer           data);
> gint       gtk_quit_add_full       (guint	       main_level,
> 				    GtkFunction        function,
>                                     GtkCallbackMarshal marshal,
>                                     gpointer           data,
>                                     GtkDestroyNotify   destroy);
> function will be called when gtk_main () is left if main_level ==
> gtk_main_level() or main_level==0.

Hmmm... the main loop I use for ILU never calls gtk_main()
at all. (It has its own gtk_main() where gtk_main_quit() indicates
the level). gtk-doom probably never touches gtk_main() at all

So you should at least provide an alternate method to exit out
of GLE, if people want to use it for such programs. (And
a way of disabling the quit_add(), if somebody wants to 
pop up a dialog and call gtk_main() in their doom-equivalent)

As long as the check is pretty fast though, there shouldn't
be any harm in having the callbacks there.


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