Windows NT port of GTK+

Hello, I'm a new subscriber.

I'd like to port GTK+ to Windows 95/NT for a few reasons.
1) Promote mozilla to use GTK+ for it's GUI.
    a) Possible GNOME port of communicator?  Probably not, but I hope
    b) Cross platform mozilla HTML viewing widget.  Cha-ching.
2) So I can write a freakin' GUI app and not worry about the hairy Linux
-> Win32 or
Win32 -> Linux port.

I realize there are other alternatives, (wxWidgets), but I'm very fond
of GTK+.

If anyone has heard of a Win32 port, I'll go work on that.  If not, I'll
start submitting patches, starting with glib, pausing to design battle
plan for gdk, then porting gdk (yes, I realize this is a lot of work).

My plan is to use the exact same libgtk code, so that new widgets will
automatically be cross-platform.  A quick skim of the code suggests this
as possible.

libgdk may be almost a rewrite.  I'm prepared for this, though hoping it
isn't so.

How much support have I got?

-Jay 'Eraserhead' Felice

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