Re: [gtk-list] Re: Windows NT port of GTK+

> > - cross-platform GUI development from Linux, no need to reboot;
> > - possible cross-compilation to both targets with the Cygnus tools;
> > - consistent GUI framework on Win95/NT and Linux;
> > - third-party (commercial) widget developers getting interested in GTK;
> > - immediately a huge market for Linux developers of shareware and
> >   commercial apps that refuse to work in W32;
> > - de facto standardisation on the GTK L&F;
> > - legions of talented Windows developers trying out Linux and (at last)
> >   able to work with Linux _and_ make a living;
> > - exposure to mainstream computer press;
> >
> >   etc.., etc...
> >
> > This is very exciting.
> Hmm.  I was working on this programmatic model which might, if applied properly,
> affect the world's ocean currents... ;-}
> That second-to-last point was something that I would count on, especially if
> there was GIMP for Windows.   You know the documentation would be spackled with,
> "unless your using Windows, then it's slow."  If GIMP were ported to Windows, it
> would be good enough for someone to do their homepage graphics, but SLOW.  It
> would kinda' force real web designers to go get Linux.  Encouraging them to go
> get something free shouldn't be all that hard, especially if they already know
> how to use the software.

imagine for a moment that i'm a photoshop diehard. i use my school to buy
all of adobe's products at discount prices. i know it all. then i load up
this "Gimp" thing.. they say it's free, so what the heck. wait a second..
i get this one little window.. what do i do with it? ok, i figured out how
to open an image.. i found the right-click menu.. it seems interesting so
far.. i try the tools, i try some plugins.. man, this thing is SLOW! so
much for crapware, er, i mean freeware. i'll stick to the PROFESSIONAL

(the above paragraph is fictional. i am not a photoshop user. i am
stating a point that *WILL* come up if we were to try "This feature not
available on Windows version", and "You must install a new 200MB+
operating system to fully utilize this program")
 _        _  __     __             _ _                                  _
|        / |/ /_ __/ /_____         |       Nuke Skyjumper               |
|       /    / // /  '_/ -_)        |         "Master of the Farce"      |
|_     /_/|_/\_,_/_/\_\\__/        _|_        _|

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