Re: [gtk-list] gdk_input_add

On May 08, Sascha Ziemann wrote:
> Hi,
> Where can I find a description of gdk_input_add:
> gint gdk_input_add	  (gint		     source,
> 			   GdkInputCondition condition,
> 			   GdkInputFunction  function,
> 			   gpointer	     data);
> condition should be GDK_INPUT_READ for example but the rest is not
> clear. Is source the file descriptor? And how about function and data?
(See also http:/, section 15)

Yep, source is a file descriptor.  condition can be a bitmask of one or

The function gets called when the descriptor is ready to read, write
or has an exceptional condition pending, and gets called depending on 
the condition bitmask.  It has this signature:

  void handler_func(gpointer data, gint fd, GdkInputCondition cond);

data is a pointer to whatever data you passed to gdk_input_add(). 
condition is a bitmask of what conditions are true on the file descriptor, 
so if you've selected more than one condition you should do something like:

  if ((cond & GDK_INPUT_WRITE) == GDK_INPUT_WRITE) {
    /* write some data to fd */
  } else if ((cond & GDK_INPUT_READ) == GDK_INPUT_READ) {
    /* read some data from fd */

> I want to play a video stream with 25 or 50 Hz. I think the easiest
> way to do that, is to write a simple timer program that can be used to
> feed Gtk's event loop via gdk_input_add. Or does anybody know a better
> way? Perhaps a way to tell gtk_main_iteration about alarm signals?

I'd avoid using alarm(), or signals in general with X-based applications.
There are too many reentrancy and general reliability issues with signals.
The most you should ever try to do with a signal handler is to set some
global flag which can be checked later as part of the event loop.

(How reentrancy-safe is Gtk?  I know some versions of Xlib are safe,
but I don't count on it)

It sounds like you may want to use a timer rather than gdk_input_add() -
gdk_input_add() is best suited for communicating with external processes
where you want to receive data as it comes in.  The file descriptor is
most likely to be a pipe or a socket.

Des Herriott

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