gtk_preview_draw_row too slow


This two calls

  gtk_preview_draw_row (GTK_PREVIEW (preview),
			&(buf[FRAME_SIZE * frame]), 0, 0, FRAME_SIZE);
  gtk_widget_draw (preview, NULL);

with FRAME_SIZE = 352*288 byte in a gtk_timeout_add(20, [...]) (50
calls per second) take aproximately 25% of a PII 333 with Millenium-1
in hicolor (16 bit).

I think that is much too much! I have an simple old tool, that does
something similar and it uses nearly no cpu, because it loads all
frames into the X server. That has the disadvantage of blowing up the
memory usage of the X server, because the video data is only gray, but
the X server runs in 16 bit.

Does anybody know a faster way to push video data into a X-Server?


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