Re: [gtk-list] Missing function in imlib?

On 11 May, Dov Grobgeld shouted:
->  It seems to me that a function doing the following functionality
->  is missing from imlib:
->      gdk_imlib_clone_and_crop_image(img, x, y, w, h);
->  which creates a new image of size (w,h) and initialize it with an
->  image of size (w,h) cut out of img with its upper right corner at
->  (xcrop, ycrop).
->  The same functionality may today be achieved by in sequence calling
->     cimg = gdk_imlib_clone_image(img);
->     gdk_imlib_crop_image(cimg, x, y, w, h);
->  But if (w,h) is much smaller than the size of img, it is big waste
->  to clone the whole img just in order to immediately crop it.
->  Are there any plans of adding such a function? If not, perhaps I'll 
->  have a try of my own, but I'm afraid it won't be in the near future.

trivial to add. Will do it sometime soon when I get my current todo
list on other projects well underway. a host of extra functions are
needed/planned for Imlib in future. Imlib has grown well beyond a
simple replacement for libXpm it seems. :)

->  Regards,
->  --
->                                                                      ___
->  Dov Grobgeld                        | Email:    /+  \  PCB
->  Algorithms Department, Orbotech     | Phone: +972-8-9423882        \  +/  AOI
->  Yavne 81102, Israel                 | Fax:   +972-8-9423775       __| |
->                 Disclaimer: All views above are mine alone.        ____|

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