RE: [gtk-list] Writing documentation.

On 15-May-98 Walt Pohl wrote:
> I notice the documentation for GDK is rather skimpy.  I would
> gladly write
> such documentation, but how do I submit it?  Upload it as a patch? 
> Is
> anyone else working on GDK documentation?  I could probably have a
> few
> sections ready right away, as soon as I know how I should submit it
> and
> that I'm not duplicating somebody else's work.

Oops, sorry, I forgot to reply to your previous request on this
subject. As far as I know, no one is writting GDK documentation.

I think the best thing to do would be to create a new document along
the same lines as the GTK Tutorial. I guess that the GDK
documentation won't be as big as the GTK stuff, but I think it still
merits it's own document.

Use the GTK Tutorial as a template - the 'source' is in sgml, and
comes with the GTK distribution (in the docs directory).

Feel free to get back to me with any questions.



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