RE: [gtk-list] GTK - aesthetics ???

Apparently you haven't seen GTK themes by Raster, here are a couple URLs
of it in action...


According to Mike McEwan:
|   I suspect this has been done to death, only I didn't see it. Are
|   people in agreement that GTK, despite it's programmatic beauty, is
|   ugly on the eye, at least by default - I think so.
|   Why is this, or are people's sense of the aesthetic generally
|   divergent from my own (a possibility), although the advent of
|   GTKSTEP would at least, in part, indicate I am not alone.
|   I am not denigrating the blood, guts, sweat and tears that have
|   undoubtedly gone into the creation of the GTK toolkit, but surely
|   such efforts are, at least in part, about producing interfaces that
|   are pleasing upon the eye.
|   I'm sure that despite its (I'm being sincere here) programmatic power
|   we're still left with something that has all the visual appeal
|   (forgive me gran) of our grandmother's undergarments.
|   Please tell me there are plans afoot to change things.
| -- 
| Mike.
| -- 
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