RE: [gtk-list] To GTK, or not to GTK - that is the question

Here's my two cents :)

I've been programming in Motif for over five years and I still have
trouble writing applications from scratch.

In a matter of days I was able to write applications using GTK
without much trouble.  I'm much more comfortable using GTK
than to be using Motif (after 5 years!).

Besides, writing your own widgets in GTK is also much

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:	Tuesday, November 03, 1998 10:50 PM
> To:
> Subject:	[gtk-list] To GTK, or not to GTK - that is the question
> Hi,
> I just discovered that Netscape has decided to move from Motif to GTK.
> What
> is this GTK thing I wondered?
> I'd seen the term here and there, but I'd always just assumed it was some
> port of TK of TCL/TK fame. From
> what I can see, it is nothing to do with that.
> Ok, here come the ignorant newbie questions - (humour me :-).
> So, why did we need yet another tool kit? Even more, why did we need one
> that is not based on Xt ?
> The Motif spec is open, and the Lesstif source is open. Furthermore, the
> Xt
> spec allowed everyone's
> widgets to work together. And Motif as well as Xt always seemed to me to
> be
> quite well designed.
> So what is the deal? The point is, I've got a Motif application which I
> was
> planning to integrate with guile.
> I had planned to make guile use Motif, but I've just realised that I've
> got
> another alternative which
> is to port my application to GTK instead. The Netscape move made me sit up
> and take notice.
> Why would I want use GTK instead of Motif? Why is everyone falling over
> themselves to use GTK
> when we used to have Motif as the standard?
> Chris (who had just started to get excited about Lesstif's progress when
> he
> realised the world had
> changed around him :-)
> -- 
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