Re: [gtk-list] gtk 1.1 and 1.0

On 11/12/98 Lyndon Tremblay uttered the following other thing:
> Is it possible to have both gtk 1.1 _and_ 1.0 on the same system?  For
> instance, most of RedHat's tools use gtk-1.0, as does my installation of
> gimp. But if i wanted to use the themes for gtk and gnome
> 0.30+ (therefore, gtk 1.1), i would need both versions.  I already have
> gtk 1.0, I just need to install 1.1.
> Would this work?

The libraries can easily coexist, but the dev tools are trickier.  If
you don't need the dev tools for 1.0, I suggest you uninstall them
(probably a package name like gtk-dev), and then compile/install the 1.1

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