Re: [gtk-list] Re: [dreed capital edu: size of entry and combos]

On Tue, 24 Nov 1998, Dave Reed wrote:
> I was hoping to avoid set_usize because of the screen problem - I was
> hoping there was something along the Motif lines (5 years ago I
> programmed in Motif) of specifying that the first one took up 10% of
> the space, the next 20%, etc.  Can this be done?

No, not that I can think of. It might be a nice container type to have
though, shouldn't be especially hard to write. (GtkPercentBox?) Looks to
me like most of the GtkBox/GtkHBox widget code is fooling with
expand/fill, homegeneity, blah blah that wouldn't be an issue with
GtkPercentBox/GtkHPercentBox/GtkVPercentBox, it's probably a real quick
widget to write, mostly typing work. Could even be worth folding into Gtk. 


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