Re: [gtk-list] Odd install problem (cd .libs && ln -s ...) with 1.0.6 under Redhat 5.1

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Stone <> writes:
Scott> On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, terry jones wrote:

>> I'm running Redhat 5.1 2.0.35 with glibc2.0.6, pentium, trying to
>> install gtk 1.0.6.

Scott> why did you downgrade to glibc2.0.6?  Or did you mean 2.0.7?  RH 5.1 ships
Scott> with 2.0.7 (with patches)

I installed 2.0.6 because I read this when I was building MySQL:

I'll probably upgrade to 2.0.7-19 at some point soon.

>> is there, sitting right in the .libs directory like
>> it's supposed to.

Scott> possibly the working directory is different at the point where
Scott> it needs to cd to .libs? or, is the filesystem maybe out of
Scott> disk space?

The filesystem has tons of space.

I imagine too that the cd is happening in the wrong dir, but make
tells me we're in glib when it happens. I suppose libtool is doing
something I'm not aware of (haven't looked).

But why me and not every other person who downloaded and tried to
install 1.0.[56]?

Scott> odd, 1.0.5 compiled without a hitch for me.  You might want to
Scott> try getting the .src.rpm for 1.0.5 and see how the RPM spec is
Scott> building it..?

OK, thanks Scott, I'll take a look. There must still be something
weird going on here...


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