[gtk-list] ANNOUNCE: GTK+ Widgets Repository (was Re: extra widgets)

Hi to everybody,

I just made a WWW page to support the new (3rd-party) widgets
repository. It's intended to be a page where you can find a list
of widgets developed by gtk+ programmers, with probably some
screenshots of smal demo programs or applications using them, and
links to their original places (source code, etc.)

The URL is


Up to now I have in the list . . . 1 widget, the gtksheet,
mentioned in this list by Adam Stein (the author of gtksheet is
Adrian E. Feiguin).

Everyone interested in putting his creations in this repository
is welcome.


  J C 
637-"What do you mean the warranty ran out ?!"
	("FAMOUS LAST WORDS", collected by O.Rosenkranz)
   *    J. C. Gonzalez                   
  .     ------------------------------------------------------------  
  .     Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik        Tel.: +49 89 32354445
   .    (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)           Fax : +49 89 3226704   
     *  Foehringer Ring, 6          ... . .... . ..... ......... .. 
 .      D-80805 Muenchen            E-mail: gonzalez@mppmu.mpg.de
   .    Deutschland                    WWW: www.gae.ucm.es/~gonzalez

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