Sandmail 0.0009

 Sandmail 0.0009 released.
 You can get it from the homepage @

changes are:

-- >8 --
  * I18N support added.
  * PGP Support tab added to config but no code yet, even does not save
    the pgp settings :)
  * Get mail button works now. Using Seung-Hong Oh's code from Fetchpop 1.9
  * threading of messages implemented (EXPERIMENTAL -- need Gtk+ 1.1.2 or
  * GtkCTree support. (need Gtk+ 1.1.2 or higher)
    Support for GtkCList is still there.
  * Prev unread, Prev, Next, Next unread buttons implemented
  * " 's in From & To fields are stripped now
  * Date field 'enhanced'.
  * Sorting of msgs by Order/Date/From/To/Subj/Flags implemented.
    (need Gtk+ 1.1.2 or higher -- no clist_sort functions in earlier versions)
  * Format of config file changed, re-ordering of lines bug fixed.
    Please delete your config file or fix it (hard work)
  * Signature file added to config
  * fixed the parameter bug (could not use parameters) in web browser config.
    also, now you must specify where to insert the html filename with
    the %s parameter. (e.g. "/usr/local/bin/netscape %s", or a better
    example, "xterm -rv -ls -T "View message" -e lynx %s")
  * Replaced my 'custom' toolbar code with GtkToolbar, which is faster and
    much easier to use.
  * Added version field to the config file
-- 8< --

bash# Disq/OMHAF
bash# (old mcdonald had a farm)

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