becoming very pedantic...

In the functions:

GtkWidget *gtk_aspect_frame_new( const gchar *label,
gfloat       xalign,
gfloat       yalign,
gfloat       ratio,
gint           obey_child);

void gtk_aspect_frame_set( GtkAspectFrame *aspect_frame,
gfloat          xalign,
gfloat          yalign,
gfloat          ratio,
gint            obey_child);

Shouldn't be obey_child a gboolean?
According to the tutorial, it can only take TRUE or FALSE values. So, it
sounds more elegant to define it as a gboolean, doesn't it?
I don't think this could break down backwards compatibility.

Sorry, but today I'm really pedantic... :-)

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