[gtk-list] Re: GTK+ GUI target for emacs?

Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu writes:

> I can't speak for FSF Emacs, but the XEmacs crew was just discussing this
> point.  The major hassle seems to be that the GTK event loop isn't 
> compatible with the Xt event loop (which is used by a lot of other stuff 
> in XEmacs via XtAddAppInput() to monitor other file descriptors/etc).

It doesn't look like FSF emacs 20.5 uses that function anywhere.  I would 
guess that GNU uses select() to monitor multiple file descriptors.  (Wasn't 
that the big conflict between the two that XEmacs REQUIRED X libraries even 
for non-graphical stuff, or am I horribly wrong?)

[bentonw@webdev emacs-20.5]$ cd src
[bentonw@webdev src]$ grep -l XtAddAppInput *
grep: bitmaps: Is a directory
grep: m: Is a directory
grep: s: Is a directory       

Doing more grepping (with -n this time :) ) for "X" and "Xt", this project 
looks really painful.  I don't know how emacs would fit into the gtk 
application framework....


Will Benton        | "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be 
bentonw@stolaf.edu |  silent"  --Ludwig Wittgenstein, T L-P, prop. 7
<a href="http://www.stolaf.edu/people/bentonw">web waste</a>
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