Announce: GtkGLArea 1.2.1 released

GtkGLArea version 1.2.1 released

 GtkGLArea is an OpenGL* widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit.
 Just as GTK+ is build on top of GDK, GtkGLArea is built on top of gdkgl
 which is basically wrapper around GLX functions. The widget itself is
 derived from GtkDrawinigArea widget and adds only few extra functions. 

 Lower level gdkgl functions make it easy to render on any widget that has
 OpenGL capable visual, rendering to off-screen pixmaps is also supported. 

 Only micro release number has changed because from now on I want to keep
 major and minor numbers in sync with GTK+.

New features and changes since gtkglarea-1.2

 - GtkGLArea is now derived from GtkDrawingArea instead of GtkWidget.

 - AM_PATH_GTKGL autoconf macro, easy way to check presense of OpenGL,
   Mesa and gtkglarea libraries.

 - gtk_gl_area_make_current() can be used instead of gtk_gl_area_begingl()
   and gtk_gl_area_endgl().


 From GtkGLArea home page at

 gtkglarea-1.2.1.tar.gz is at

*OpenGL(R) is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Janne Löf

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