Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk+-1.2.0 compile problems

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Patrick O'Neil wrote:
> Well, I just gave this a no avail.  I went ahead and removed
> the glib-1.1.13 and gtk+-1.1.13 rpms and then ran "make install" of

This was probably part of the problem before, having these installed while
trying to install 1.2 is broken and won't work so good.

> my successfully compiled glib-1.2.0.  It installed fine.  I ran

OK, I have never used --with-glib so I don't know what's up with that, but
I suggest just installing it. Use a different prefix, such as /opt/gtk, so
you can uninstall it again. 'make uninstall' also works, normally.

Alternatively, use RPMs only and stay away from the --force option and
make sure all old RPMs and compiles related to Gtk are gone. Your system
sounds broken due to old crap lying around. It is important to get rid of
incompatible versions of the libraries, any old glib-config or gtk-config
scripts, and any old glib.m4 and gtk.m4 macro files. Also any old headers. 

If you use Debian's Apt tool it will refuse to break things, so you might
consider that. RPM is slightly less foolproof in some circumstances.

You said you were getting errors about the wrong gtk-config, etc. - pay
attention to them. They are not just there to annoy you, the system is
finding a libgtk that does not match the gtk-config and things will not
work that way. They will be broken.

> "ldconfig"
> and then re-ran ./configure in my gtk+-1.2.0 source directory (I had
> removed the config.log and config.status files first).  It configured
> fine with no errors.  I then ran "make" and it crapped out again:
> gcc -g -O2 -Wall -o .libs/testgtk testgtk.o -Wl,--rpath
> -Wl,/usr/local/lib .libs
> / -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11 -lm -Wl,--rpath
> -Wl,/usr/local/lib ../g
> dk/.libs/ -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11 -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -lXext -lX
> 11 -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lm
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XGetDeviceMotionEvents'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XFreeDeviceList'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XQueryDeviceState'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XListInputDevices'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XFreeDeviceMotionEvents'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XOpenDevice'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XSelectExtensionEvent'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XUngrabDevice'
> ../gdk/.libs/ undefined reference to `XGrabDevice'

These are supposed to be in -lXi but -lXi isn't on your link line; gdk is
not supposed to use these functions if you don't have -lXi.

For example, I don't have libXi, so my gtk+/config.h has:
#define XINPUT_NONE 1
/* #undef XINPUT_GXI */
/* #undef XINPUT_XFREE */

I don't know why configure got this wrong, probably there is something
nonstandard about your setup.

> So yet again...a gtk compile problem.  Any ideas on this?  This is
> REALLY getting to be monotonous and supremely irritating.
> I have kernel 2.2.1 installed and running, Xfree

Well look: you are using bleeding-edge kernel, compilers, and X. You are
using them improperly - broken compile flags, etc. You are leaving
multiple incompatible versions of the library lying around. Basically you
are in over your head and making a mess.

This is totally cool and a good way to learn, we have all done it. But if
you don't have the patience for it, install a stable system, and use the
stock packages that come with the distribution. There's no point giving
yourself an anxiety attack.


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