GtkEditor v0.0.5

After a short break from GTK hacking I return and, to my horror, I
find that gtktext now supports wide chars...the editor widget
doesn' fact it won't compile at all now...bummer.

Well, now I've hacked it and you can find a new version (0.0.5) at

GtkEditor v0.0.5
Thomas Mailund <>

A source editor widget for GTK.

In time this should evolve into a nice editor widget with syntax
highlighting, parenthesis match, indenter etc.

It is far from complete, but at least it's good enough for editing
it's own test program (test.c).

Currently only syntax highlighting is implemented...and it only works
with GNUs regex library. If you are on a Linux box, that is probably
what you got. (Look for re_compile_pattern etc. in your

It needs a few changes to the text widget. Mostly to be able to do the
highlighting. I could do that without the changes I think, but I have
also other plans for this...To get the changes you must patch with


Let me know what you think.


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