Re: [gtk-list] Re: Using autoconf with GTK

Erik Mouw wrote:

> It *is* in the updated GTK FAQ, question 4.5.

Yes, at .

> Except for GTK, which can be detected with the following macro:
>   AM_PATH_GTK(1.2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR(foobar needs GTK 1.2.x, sorry))

You have to have the macro first though.  I doubt it comes with m4, and
the FAQ doesn't mention where to find it, but the GIMP has it in its
aclocal.m4.  I snarfed the stuff from the GIMP for my much smaller
project: . 
The configure script and makefiles are working with Linux but not with
FreeBSD because gtk-config is called gtk10-config, gtk11-config or
gtk12-config instead (under FreeBSD).  A look at suggests that the
AC_CHECK_PROGS macro could find which door it's behind. :) 
Trevor Johnson

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