Re: gtk_label_parse_uline() in Gtk 1.2.0

Shaw Terwilliger <> writes:

> I'm manually calling gtk_label_parse_uline() in the course
> of construction menu items with accelerators.  When calling
> this function, I'm passing in a string with an underscore
> inserted before the character I want to bind.  Everything
> works great, except for my Most Recently Used menu items.
> For example, I might pass in "_1 /tmp/my_file.abw", but
> the function continues past the first underscore and builds
> a string with the "f" in "file" underlined also.
> The way the loop is constructed, the return value (the character
> code of the underlined character) is only set the first time.
> Should this function continue to underline subsequent
> occurrences of characters following underscores, or simply
> copy the string verbatim (which seems to be the right
> thing to do, since only one value is returned).
> It's a very simple fix to the loop.

If you convert _ in the file names to __, then GTK_
will display single genuine underscores. That will
then work if you switch to putting the 1 afterwords...

I was thinking of parse_underline() as a function that
converts a string with underlining embedded into
separate pattern/string, and as a side-effect returns
the accelerator key.

The argument could be made either way though, I'd admit.


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