Re: [gtk-list] Re: Unidentified subject!

As the well known Rui Simões said...
->i'll describe now what i'he done so far:
->	mkdir /usr/gtk+
->	mkdir /usr/glib
->	cp glib-1.2.2.tar /usr/glib
->	cp gtk+-1.2.2.tar /usr/gtk+
->	cd /usr/glib
->		configure
->		make
->	make install
->	cd /usr/gtk+
->		configure
->		make
->	make install

Speaking of these directorie stuff, you may use the /usr/local/src
to put your sources. Simply go to this dir and untar glib and gtk+
here. Doing this will not help you to get rid of your errors, but
this would add more consistency to your system (and consistency is
*very* important).

->then i change to a dir with same sources and 
->	ggc code.c -o code 'gtk-config --glibs --cflags'
	Please use backquotes (` instead of '), even in a mail,
	even if you know about it, even (everything). 

->and it devolded many "parsing errors".
	Could you send (to me or to the list, that does not matter)
	your prog.c file please ? This could help a lot...
	The parsing errors generally comes from using structures that
	are not defined (ie you forgot to include some .h around

->is there a way to fix it with out having to compile things again???
	Have you checked wether other gtk-based programs are working
	or not on your box ? You should do this (get guitar, or
	something like that (gtksee, ... Don't try gimp since the
	compilation will take a *lot* of time on your (old?) box).
	If you success in configure/make/install them, then you
	will not have to compile gtk again.

->thanks rui 

   Emmanuel DELOGET [pixel] pixel@{,}  ----  DotCom SA |
"On the last day, God created Linux. And Microsoft won its antitrust case"

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