Re: about Gtk and Gdk?

>Does Gtk and Gdk have edition for AIX?

As far as I know, GTK+, glib, and GDK compile fine on AIX.  It may take a
bit of tweaking though.

>program in order to plant my code from Linux to AIX?

Make sure you use autoconf to check up on any portability problems you
might have, don't ever assume that non ANSI-C headers are there unless you
know they're there, and buy the O'Reilly book on porting UNIX software.

I haven't had too much trouble going from Linux -> AIX in the past.  It
shouldn't be too bad as long as you can get GTK+ compiled.

David Free Software Development
Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null -- und das
nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.

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