Re: GtkLabel wrapping problems.

Mario Antonio <> writes:

> I have tried to use the wrapping functionality of GtkLabel by using
> gtk_label_wrap_set_line_wrap, but the programs do not wrap the text, the text
> just makes an expansion on the widget where it is being put.
> I noticed that the testgtk test program does not wrap the text either (Run
> testgtk and select labels).
> Please confirm that this is a bug or something on my machine needs to be
> configured. I use Gtk v. 1.2.4 / Linux Slackware 4.0

Your machine has an obsolete version of the C library which 
is incapable of properly handling the code for detection
of what characters are spaces.

There is some code in GTK+ to try to detect this situation
and fall back to simpler methods, but it may not properly
detecting all such configurations.

As a workaround, you should be able to configure GTK+
with the folllowing command line:



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