Re: [gtk-list] widgets without user input

Check buttons and scroll bars are made for input.  It's a bad idea to
use them for anything the user can't change.  The widgets behave the way
they do for a reason.  You could get the same check effect with a
pixmap, but I don't have any idea why you're using a scrollbar for
anything other than scrolling around.


Ionutz Borcoman wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a program that uses scrollbars and check buttons to display
> informations from my motherboard (using lm-sensors library). As these
> widgets should be read-only I have "disabled" them to prevent user
> imput. The only problem is that this also greys the widgets. Is it
> posible to only stop user input while keeping the normal colors ?
> I would like something as simple and compact as possible (for disabling,
> I have only one code line :-).
> TIA,
> Ionutz
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