GTKCtree ancestor problem.

I noticed this the other day and kept wanting to do some more debuging
before I said anything, but I haven't had the time, and don't want to
forget, so here goes:

I was doing a simple loop to delete all of the children of a particular
node.  I decided to do this by looking at each node and saying "is the
target node and ancestor to this node."  Now this works just fine, but
until I delete all of the children of my target node.  Once is has no
children however, gtk_ctree_is_ancestor returns true for _every_ node,
even the root.  These are all nodes that a few seconds ago, it returned
false for.  

I am not sure why this is hapenning, I glanced at gtk_ctree_is_ancestor
and gtk_ctree_find (which it calls) but all looked ok.  I don't have it
with me, but let me know if anyone wants some code to show this.

I may just be doing something dumb, but the behaviour seemed pretty odd.


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