Re: aborting the main loop

Espen S Johnsen <> writes:

> I think the current main loop code has some shortcomings when using gtk
> from languages with exception handling (Common Lisp in my case). The
> situasion is like this; if an exception thrown from inside a main loop
> is caught outside, the loop code will be left in an inconsistent
> state. When one tries to call gtk_main after this, warnings about main
> loop already active in another thread are printed.
> After looking around in the code a bit, I came up with the following
> funcions which seems to work to clean up after an abort:

There is just no way that throwing an exception through GTK+
C code is going to work. I mean, maybe you can clean up the
main loop, but there may be memory allocated on the stack, or
a GTK+ function may depend on control returning to it.

(As a very common example, any time a GTK+ signal is called
the widget is referenced before calling the signal and 
unreferenced afterwards. If you jump through the unreference,
then you will leak the widget.)

I think the best you can do is effectively something like

 struct LispMainLoop { GMainLoop loop, Exception thrown_exception }

 void main_run_stub (LispMainLoop loop) {
    loop.exception_thrown = NULL;
    push loop_stack, loop;
    g_main_run (loop.loop);
    if (loop.thrown_exception) {
      rethrow (loop.thrown_exception
    pop loop_stack;

 void callback_from_c () {
    do_lisp_callback(); = lisp_pop_unwind_protect();
    if ( 
      g_main_quit (;

Well, I'm not sure that is clear, but the idea is that 
you do a g_main_quit() and propagate the exception. It
doesn't work perfectly because the C code can go ahead
and call more lisp callbacks after the exception has
been thrown, but it should handle a lot of cases,
and is the best you can do without adding EH to GTK+.


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