embedding GTK<->Qt: they can, can we ?

This is from:


   "Now that we have a dynamically loaded Gtk widget, how do we turn
    that into a KPart? Quite straight forward. There is a QGtkWidget
    extension available for Qt, that lets you use Gtk widgets in your
    Qt applications. You simply create a QGtkWidget with a pointer to
    the Gtk widget you get from MozEmbed and insert that into your
    KPart. Then you do a few trivial reimplementations of the virtual
    functions of the BrowserExtension interface that map to the
    corresponding functions of Mozilla and you are done. The result is
    a fully functional Konqueror that uses Mozilla as backend - or
    rather a fully functional Mozilla that uses Konqueror as graphical
    user interface, however you want to look at it."

When, if and how will GTK+ ever be able to wrap other widget sets in
this way ?


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