Re: [gtk-list] Re: Ignoring keypresses

In message <>you write:
>If you really need to deiconify it, wouldn't it be better to de-iconify
>but don't make it the current window? Then you don't have to eat some
>users work, forcing him to go back to his window and try to type it in
>again, only to have another window pop up and eat it again.
>I personally hate the MS-Windows usual procedure of popping up windows 
>at random times while I'm doing something completely  unrelated to 
>the pop-ups, then eating all my keystokes and selecting options
>based on what I was trying to type into a word processing document.

This discussion has only a little to do with GTK, and a lot to do with
how a user configures (or doesn't configure) their window manager. For
example, until I recently enabled it, the bahviour described in
Ander's original message would *never* happen in my WM. I switched to
icewm, and turned on the feature that makes popups automatically get
keyboard focus. The vast majority of the time, I like this. But the
app has no control (as I understand it) over this behaviour, other
than possibly the window properties.

I think you should stop focusing on GTK, and think about the WM(s).


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