Re: A Modal Window

Esteban Quijano Vincenzi wrote:

Hi, there are two ways for doing this:
1) Call gtk_main() again so you enter in a second event loop. When you press an "ok" or "cancel" button just call gtk_main_quit(). You will return to the main event loop.
2) Do something like this:
while (exit_modal != TRUE) gtk_main_iteration();
and in your callback function do exit_modal = TRUE somewhere

Esteban Quijano Vincenzi.

This is good enough but not great.

I understand that other windows in your application can still be raised on top of your modal window.
I asked about this (kinda) recently and Havoc pointed me at gtk_grab_add 
() / gtk_grab_remove ()which you should call AS WELL as gtk_main ().
See the FAQ at for more info.


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