Re: threads

Just as a reference point (and I'm new to GTK as of today when I first used it for an actual, but simple app):
I succesfully managed to get a multithreaded GTK app to work using 
'pthreads' (combined with the information provided earlier in this thread 
with information on thread-safe calls for gtk).
'pthreads' should be portable to most operating systems, in theory (this way 
you don't have to "Use the underlying operative system").  The "p" in 
pthreads is for "POSIX", which I believe (not certain) stands for "P"ortable 
"O"perating "S"ystem calls based on the UN"IX" system (you can look up the 
real definition, but it's something like that).  There may even be pthreads 
support in Windows (as I understand it, NT is supposed to be 100% posix 
compliant, or so they advertised in the past).
If you're on unix, a good starting point would be "man pthead_create" and 
after that, just look at "man -k pthread" for a list of related calls.
Good luck...


From: Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu <umbpux tin it>
To: Ighal Joel Micha <imicha afip gov ar>
CC: gtk-list gnome org
Subject: Re: threads
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 21:19:37 +0200

Ighal Joel Micha wrote:
> I am trying to launch a thread in gtk, anybody could tell me how can I
> do that. I am viewing an API documentacion, but I can not find the way.

Gtk can help you to build graphic user interfaces but it is not a
application framework (à la Microsoft Foundation Classes, for example).
Thus you won't find a call to start a thread in Gtk's API.
Use the underlying operative system.
If you want to write successful multithreaded Gtk-based applications,
you could find useful the Gtk F.A.Q. entry about this argument.

Good luck,

Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu.

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