Newbie question

John Miskinis' note about the testgtk application made me go searching.
My RedHat 8 box has the actual app, but not the source. My Debian system
includes the source for gtk-1.2, but not for 2.0.

So I downloaded gtk2 from the web site and see the testgtk app (or
something like it) in the demos directory. One problem, there is no real
makefile. There is a and a The says
it was generated from the There is no configure script,

So the question is, how do I build just the demo without compiling up
all of gtk2 which is already installed for me? What nuance am I missing
in all this? I've tried running aclocal, automake, autoconf to no avail
(they all want a file). So what do I do?

 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
: :' :     duckwing duckwing ca
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  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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