Re: 04: glib: g_list_free_1 should return ->next

Owen Taylor wrote:
I don't think this change makes sense though:
A) g_list_free_1() doesn't unlink the list node either,
  so just returning next doesn't do any good.     g_list_free_1()
simply frees a single list node
  that is already unlinked.
B) g_list_delete_link is exactly what you are looking for.

in other words,
list = g_list_delete_link (list, list);

looking through the fifteen places where g_list_free_1 is
currently used, that would be also true about there - so that
the free_1 would have to be depracated. It is not done since
it is known about there that we are the head and no unlink
operation is actually needed since it is intended to just
walk-and-free the list. It is actually a common task to do,
to have a "select" routine to return an allocated glist and
have the receiver walk-and-free the result-set.
g_list_free_1 is a perfectly legitimate operation, it't
just not what you are looking for. It's basically the
opposite of g_list_alloc().
The reason we added g_list_delete_link() (a GLib-2.0 addition)
was because the operation of deleting the head node off of a list
was a common one. The code you are looking at was
probably written before then.

however, some of these places are in glib2 itself - and given
the lack of programming examples, they are taken as a guideline.

furthermore, the g_list_delete_link algorithm is a bit bloated
for the operation of g_list_delete_head - the case that checks
for (list == link) is a bit late (in this case, the releveant
code point is in _g_list_remove_link).

Better a tiny bit of code bloat than API bloat. I can't see
having separate delete_link() and delete_head() with the
difference of delete_head() being that it only works for the
head of the list.
sure, me too. However, it's not made "depracated" either,
while quite some other functionality is not marked as such
and I can not see quite why. So this free_1 function is
not to be replaced by delete_link for real, isn't it... ;-)

I don't really quite follow ... g_list_free_1() can be
used in places where delete_link() can't, since it makes
no assumptions as to how the node is linked.

that's right - and in these places they walk up to the next
item in the list - and that was the initial idea about this
04 note - to ask for api improvement that can make those places
making use of free_1 simply a bit shorter and maintainable.

Where do you have g_list_free_1 that does not just be some
synonym of g_list_free_head ? do you have some place on your
mind when you phrased it as "used in places where delete_link
can't" ? Perhaps that was written up in a hurry, since in
effect the delete_link is just a combination of remove_link
followed by free_1 and it is hard to find a place where the
reset of next/prev is inapropriate (minus implementation in
glist.c where free_1 could live as a non-exported function).

so far, it looks more as an optimization trick or some old
-- cheers, guido            #81555

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