gtk and frame buffer

hi everybody...

i work under woody / gnome2.2.... and i want to use the gtkfb... gtkfb need gtk2 to run... i find this web site to install gtk 2... but i have several questions :
- how to know the version of gtk install on my computer ? (gtk-config 
--version = 1.2.10 )
- if i install gtk2 as the web site , the gtk1 applications don't run ?

- have you example, web site about gtkfb ?

- the web site is the only method to install gtk2 ?

thank's for help, sorry for my english.... but i'm French ;)


|  David CABATON alias Obelix  |
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|    cabaton_david yahoo fr    |
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| Student in computer sciences |
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|     GPG keys: 0x6BBB38E3     |
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