Re: Run a gtkfb application !!!

David CABATON a écrit :

Hi ! i have a problem to create a graphical interface with glade to the fb !
- i compil gtk2 with the --with-gdktarget=linux-fb option => ok
- i create a graphical interface with glade => ok
- i do a ./ --with-gdktarget=linux-fb => ok
- i do a make => ok
- i turn to a new console witj the ctrl+alt+f1 touch => ok
- i run my program => erreur : "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display"**

why ???

i try this...
- echo $display => nothing
- echo gdk_display => nothing
- export gdk_display = /dev/fb0 => "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display"

thank's for help !

Ok i have new informations.... i have compile gtk2 with the frame buffer option.... and i compile the interface of glade....
but if i run the application :  error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

.... need help ! thank's

|  David CABATON alias Obelix  |
|                              |
|    cabaton_david yahoo fr    |
|                              |
| Student in computer sciences |
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|     GPG keys: 0x6BBB38E3     |
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