Image under framebuffer

Hi ! i create an gtk interface with glade for framebuffer but i have several problems !!!

- under glade, i add an image but under framebuffer the application don't show the image ! An example of the code source to display an image...
 image12 = create_pixmap (window1, "GNOME-Hint_alt.png");
 gtk_widget_set_name (image12, "image12");
 gtk_widget_show (image12);
 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox14), image12, TRUE, FALSE, 0);

- when i add a label with "center" proprieties, it's apply in glade but no under framebuffer ! An example of the code source to center text...
label30 = gtk_label_new (_("Vous devez choisir la langue dans\nlaquelle vous voulez installer GPLinux"));
 gtk_widget_set_name (label30, "label30");
 gtk_widget_show (label30);
 gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox21), label30, TRUE, FALSE, 0);

Thank's for help !


|  David CABATON alias Obelix  |
|                              |
|    cabaton_david yahoo fr    |
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| Student in computer sciences |
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|     GPG keys: 0x6BBB38E3     |
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