

I've had some problems with g_filename_to/from_utf8().

On a Linux RH7.3 g_filename_from_utf8() returns an utf8 string i.e. not converted. RH7.3 do not use utf8 as its native file name representation.
On a Linux RH9 g_filename_from_utf8() returns an iso-8859-1 string 
(atleast it looks like iso-8859-1) i.e. converted. RH9 uses utf8 as its 
native file name representation.
In both cases the file names looks wrong in a shell and in Nautilus.

On Windows XP g_filename_from_utf8() returns an iso-8859-1(or CP1252?) string (or whatever is native on Windows XP ;-) i.e. converted.
(Fortunately g_filename_to_utf8 reverses the string in all three cases.)

Anyone experienced something like this?
What do I do wrong, if I do anything wrong?
Are there any way to determine the 'native file name representation', so that I could you one of the other convertion functions instead?
Best regards
Egon Andersen

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