Re: newbie make/install problem

Erik Ostermueller wrote:
Hello, all.

I am brand-spanking new to Linux, so take it easy on
me.  I couldn't find an GTK RPM for Mandrake 9.2, so
here I am building gtk 2.3.4.
Gtk is a basic component of most Linux systems, moreover
the version you are trying to build is for developers only,
so you should rather look in the default package manager of
you system than risk messing it all up.

I understand, 9.2 is the latest or near to latest version of
Mandrake, so its install CD-s must contain the last stable
version of gtk.

If your problem is that you can't link packages against gtk,
then you need to add the gtk package ending in -dev or -devel
as well (and its dependencies).



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