Re: how to make radio buttons without default selected? and, how to force all de-selected?

Ben Johnson wrote:

If, for instance, the purpose of a program is to show what bad
interface design is...
ok. But there are workarouds...
> or, perhaps, to play a joke on some friends, or,
Uhm... I know better solutions... :-)

to get to the point, to allow a user of the program to de-select a
toggle button that happens to be part of a group of toggle buttons, then
I think it's not unreasonable to *allow* the programmer to make it
Why not adding another (maybe hidden?) radiobutton?
This way you haven't to worry:
* The user can "deselect" simply by selecting the "None selected" buton
* If you hide it, you have to programmatically select it (maybe binding to keyboard event?) but the interface isn't modified
* you haven't to write a new widget

BUT if it's needed to have a radio group with no selected elements, IMVHO there's some deep UI design problem...

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