Re: Overlaying gtk widgets over a drawingarea

Hi Paul,

On 4/24/07, Paul Davis <paul linuxaudiosystems com> wrote:
> * Gnome Canvas looks like the best bet though I haven''t looked at it
> in detail. I add a drawing area to the canvas and add the widgets
> accordingly. is that possible ?

you don't get alpha blending in a canvas that supports widgets. they are
mutually exclusive: you can get an AA canvas that does alpha blending of
objects or a non-AA canvas that allows z-order stacking of widgets.
Ah, So I get to choose one .. ? :-)

I guess I can go with "non-AA canvas with z-order stacking of widgets"
and give up on my alpha blending needs.

So, is the above possible then with Gnome canvas ?

Yes, you are right when you say that it's not a "google search away".
Maybe an entry about this in the GTK FAQ might help developers with
similar needs.

PS: Re-sending as I seemed to have missed the list in my earlier mail.
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