Re: gtk header files

Have you tried:
#make install

That should install the headers file in $PREFIX/include.
If you had not specified the "--prefix=/usr" when you run configure, the
default will most likely be "/usr/local"
I.e. By default gtk will install the header files into /usr/local/include

BTW, what browser are you compiling?
I'm also working on getting an embedded browser into our embedded system.


Raymond Pau
----- Original Message -----
From: "hong zhang" <henryzhang62 yahoo com>
To: <gtk-list gnome org>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 2:30 PM
Subject: gtk header files


I want to compile an embedded browser using gtk-1.2
but package download from does not have
header files for gtk package.

Does anyone know where I can get gtk header files?


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