Reference counting


I'm slightly overwhelmed as to the whole reference counting issue. Could someone explain the though process or logic behind the reference counting or direct me to some information where I can find the correct use. For example, in my code I set up my combo boxes on startup using gtk_list_store_newv and gtk_combo_box_set_model. (Do I need to unref the list_store pointer at this stage?) At a later stage I am ready to put some data in the combo box, so I get the store (with gtk_combo_box_get_model) and add some entries to the sore. Do I need to unref the aquired pointer? To make matters more confusing, I also have a couple of combo's with filters. I wrote a little stub to acquire the store:
GtkTreeModel * gtk_combo_get_filter_model( GktComboBox * combo )
return gtk_tree_model_filter_get_model( GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER( gtk_combo_box_get_model( combo ) ) );

Do I leak a reference here?

I hope this explains the gaps in my understanding/knowledge. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


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