Re: Changing the default input method

On 1/18/07, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-12-22 at 19:20 +0530, Anupama Chandwani wrote:
> >
> >How can I change the default GTK+ input method used by a system? I've
> >seen mention of the GTK_IM_MODULE enviroment variable, but it does not
> >seem to have any effect.
> >

Sorry for the late reply. I didn't see your email because it only went
to the list. I know some people like that.
I had you in my To: list & gtk-list as cc:
Mayb it went in your bulk or spam

> In gtkimcontextsimple.c there is a variable "global_context_id"

This is actually in gtkimmulticontext.c, which handles the right-click
menu of all input methods. However, it is a static variable, so it can
not be used from any other file or library.
Yes its a static variable in gtkimmulticontext.c, but in a text widget
like GtkEntry (or GtkTextView)
GtkEntry->im_context->context_id = global_context_id (static variable char*)
So when a gtk_im_multicontext_new() is allocated to
gtkentry->im_context, its takes the context_id from this static

Did you manage to actually change this variable somehow, without
patching GTK+ itself?
I have changed this variable by assigning it my module name (as
suggested in prev mail) statically before compiling.

>  which
> maintains the input method of gtk. Setting that to "myinputmethod"
> will help you have it as default. But do this after initialisation of
> the module, else it will give a undefined refrence to you input
> method.

I guess you are somehow managing to do this by doing it in the module
itself, which might be OK because the symbol would not be linked until
the input module was loaded.
Yes the module code takes care of  initialisation.

However, this would force the use of the input method by default for all
widgets and all applications.
I can do that more simply by just using
"*" for the locale in the GtkIMContextInfo struct when the input method
registers itself.

That might work, havent tried.

But I would like for the application to choose the input method for some
widgets at runtime.

Yes, It changes the input method for all applications if the hardcore
change is made in the gtkimmulticontext.c, but if you assign it at
runtime on right click, it changes only for the particular app.
The procedure that i described also adds "myinputmethod" in the right
button menu. So it can be choosen runtime if not assigned as default.

> >For instance, I've tried
> >export GTK_IM_MODULE="myinputmethod";gtk-demo
> >
> >Also, is there any way to change this at runtime, with a C function
> >call?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

Anupama Chandwani

Celunite Soft Technologies
3rd Floor, Business Avenue
Koregaon Park
Pune, MS 411001

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