g_source_add_poll or g_io_add_watch in Windows?

I have a server written in glib that works fine in Linux and I am trying to port it to Windows. I have managed to get it to compile OK but
clients could not connect :(

For the connection I am currently using g_source_add_poll using the socket FD as returned by socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0). Under Windows polling does not seem to be working. If I change to using g_io_channel_win32_new_socket and g_io_add_watch then I can connect clients.
Unfortunately, for my application, I need to be able to set and unset 
watches on a particular socket. Currently I am doing this using
g_source_add_poll and g_source_remove_poll.

So my problem is either to make g_source_add_poll work under Windows or find an efficient way to be able to add and remove watches using channels.
Any suggestions?

Peter Robinson

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