Re: GtkTextView with transparent background

Daniel Svensson wrote:
I've been messing around with different approaches in hope of making
the background of a GtkTextView transparent with no solution in sight.
The closest I've come is making the whole widget transparent[1], but
as I want to keep the text non-transparent this is not an option.

The reason I want a GtkTextView transparent is that I want to create a
window with a background image, and being able to put a text area of
variable size somewhere on it (the user will be able to move the text
area), and it's the window background that should be seen through the
GtkTextView. A picture says more than a thousand words, so have a look
at the video of OmmWriter[2].

Any hints on how to accomplish this with GTK+friends based libraries
would be greatly appreciated.


I just watched the OmmWriter video. If I was to implement the same thing in GTK I would:
1. Create a GtkTextView, put it in a box and add it to a GtkWindow
1. Use a GdkDrawable for the entire thing

2. Figure out a way of setting a background image for the window
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3. Setup "size-allocate" callback for textview to constrain resizing
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4. Figure out how to draw a border around the textview
5. Get the textview to move around in its fixed size box (or maybe just use a GdkDrawable and its functions)
6. Draw gtkimage/custom widget for menus

I'm just a beginner as well, but hope that gives you some ideas at least.


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