Re: Re[2]: Does GTK leak memory

--- On Sat, 6/5/10, Lothar Scholz <llothar web de> wrote:

> From: Lothar Scholz <llothar web de>
> Subject: Re[2]: Does GTK leak memory
> To: "Michael Torrie" <torriem gmail com>
> Cc: gtk-list gnome org
> Date: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 12:18 PM
> Hello Michael,

> Sorry but this is exactly what i mean with "its a toy
> toolkit".
> This is just unforgiveable. Well after discovering the
> broken-beyond-repair gtk_file_chooser stuff i wonder why i
> ask myself
> why i think that GTK is professional.
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Lothar             
>               mailto:llothar web de

You have at least two more choices:

1) wxWidgets (native look and feel under Windows);
2) Qt.

Qt looks to me pretty well established and to me its documentation felt
much better than gtk+.

Both toolkits are written in C++, which I think is an advantage in this

Also, have a look at Ultimate++$uppweb$overview$en-us.html

- looks very interesting, also C++.


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